Out-Of-Box Thinking

Posted on Friday, June 26, 2009 by Anuj Mehta

I came across a nice snippet on "Out of Box Thinking" from Frozen Thoughts and thought of sharing with others

It's heavily raining, a man is driving his car and he reaches near a bus stop. There are 3 people on the bus stop
1. An old lady who is just on the verge of dying
2. A friend who once saved his life
3. A very beautiful girl

Now the question is whom should our man help? Should he take the old lady to hospital and try to save her life or should he help his friend and repay for his help or should he take the girl along who make become his soul mate later?

Here is the Out-Of-Box solution to this problem
He should ask his friend to drive the car and take the old lady to hospital and he can happily stay with the beautiful lady :)

3 Responses to "Out-Of-Box Thinking":

Anonymous says:

cool , kindly post more questions on the net , regarding the cool questions out of the box thinking.

Anonymous says:

cool , kindly post more questions on the net , regarding the cool questions out of the box thinking.

Anuj Mehta says:

Thanks. Will definitely post some more in near future.